Church leadership

The Rev. Tim Higgins
Pronouns: He/him/his
About Him:
The Rev. Tim was born and raised in Cumberland in a very Roman Catholic family, which attended Sacred Heart Church in Yarmouth. He attended Cheverus High School before going to St. Michael’s College in Vermont. After graduation, he did a year of volunteer work with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Fresno, California at a local Mexican American Parish.
The Rev. Tim’s first real job was as a youth minister for Holy Cross Catholic Church in Lewiston, Maine. He entered the Catholic seminary in Baltimore in 1983 and was ordained in 1987. He served at Holy Rosary Church in Caribou for four years, Maine Medical Center as a Catholic Chaplain for three years, and then at The Newman Center in Orono as Pastor and Campus Minister for one year.In May of 1995, he went to see the Bishop and was granted a leave of absence from the Catholic Priesthood, which was the most difficult decision he had ever made.
For six years, he had an active wedding ministry, offered funerals and pastoral counseling, and celebrated mass for ‘Integrity’ (the Gay Catholic Movement) that met at the Emmanuel Chapel at St. Luke’s in Portland. He was figuring out his next steps while being a bit of a rebel at the same time!
His full-time job at that time was being a Social Work/Adult Educator for a Family Literacy Project out of Portland West, a grammar school on the West End. He was then hired as a state Chaplain at Long Creek Youth Development Center for seven years. While at Long Creek, he made his transition to the Episcopal Church.
In 2001, Bishop Chilton sent him to St. Ann’s to sit in the congregation as he figured out a potential call to the Episcopal Sacramental Ministry. He was received in the Church in 2004 and then officially called as Rector in 2007. Rev. Tim served at St. Ann’s for 17 years and his family was raised there.
He and his wife, Maureen, have been married for 28 years. She is his best friend and he is deeply grateful for her. Maureen has been with him through every step of the way in his priestly career. She works for Maine Health as the project coordinator for ‘A Matter of Balance,’ which is a fall prevention program.
They have three children. Maeghan is 26, is a Special Ed teacher in Chicago and loves the big city. Garrett is 24 and he is a field tech for Hubbard Brook Research facility in Holderness, New Hampshire. Their daughter Maeve turns 22 in July and will begin a two-year fellowship at McLaren Hospital in Boston this summer. Their kids are the light of his life and they are amazing. He is truly grateful for them.
The Rev. Tim is deeply interested in congregational development, relational ministry and pastoral care. He believes in the need for the priest-in-charge to be very visible in the community while also serving the local needs of St. George’s.

The Rev. Jean Cavanaugh, Deacon
Pronouns: She/her/hers
About her:
Jean serves as Deacon of St. George’s Episcopal Church. She was ordained on August 1, 2020. Her goals for being a Deacon are to be welcoming to those she meets at church and those she comes to know in the world. She strives to be accepting of others without judgment. She prays daily for the Holy Spirit to open her mind and her heart and help her to truly listen to those who are speaking and sharing about themselves. She is looking forward to meeting folks out in the community. Jean enjoys leading book studies and she is given the opportunity to give the Sunday sermon about once a month.
Jean believes God has called her to reach out and be here for people who are trying to deal with mental illnesses. She facilitates a NAMI Peer Group that meets on the first and third Thursday nights of each month from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the church. This group is more than a peer group, it is a family of people who come together to share about themselves, their struggles and the achievements they have during the week. This group cares about and for one another and encourages each other to succeed in our lives.
She loves animals, riding her Silver Wing Motorcycle in the summer with her little dog Frankie in a doggy backpack and going kayaking in calm waters. Jean and her wife Betty have been married for 23 years. If you would like to get in touch regarding the NAMI peer group or just want to talk, please contact the church to be connected to Jean.
The Vestry
The Vestry that has been elected to serve you is always available to listen and to act.
Gary Samia, Sr. Warden
Robert Oelschlager, Jr. Warden
Kathleen Whalin, Clerk
Conrad Grenier, Assistant Treasurer
Maria Lantagne, Treasurer
Lynne Boston
Lynne Lowell
Kevin Driscoll
Sue Coveney
Victoria Lynn

Dr. Morton Gold, Choir Director and Organist
Pronouns: He/him/his
About him:
Dr. Gold is an accomplished composer, professor and teacher of music, organist, choir director and so much more. He received a Bachelors of Music degree from Boston University in Theory, a Master of Arts degree in Teaching from Harvard University, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Composition from Boston University.
In all, he has composed seven full-length oratorios and nearly a hundred other works consisting of sonatas and concerti. He premiered his Piano Concerto with the Portland, ME, Symphony Orchestra in 1974, for which he was at the keyboard. Dr. Gold twice conducted the Boston Pops Orchestra in performances of his own music. In 1975, his oratorio “Haggadah: A Search for Freedom” was broadcast nationally by Public Television. The U.S. Marine Corps Band performed a march of his. He composed a bassoon sonata (concerto), which premiered at a concert presented by the Shrewsbury Wind Quintet in the summer of 2008. He also conducted a new concert march with the Strafford Wind Symphony in the spring of 2009.
In May of 2010, he received the Kavod award from the Cantors Assembly of the US & Canada for creativity and achievement in the field of Jewish sacred music. The Vermont Music Education Association gave him a Special Recognition Award. He was the full professor of music and conductor of the Chorale and Wind Ensemble at Nasson College from 1964 to 1982. Dr. Gold has also taught at York Community College, the University of Southern Maine, St. Francis College, Oakland Community College, the College of St. Joseph, Castleton State College, Rutland High School, Mount St. Joseph Academy and Killington Mountain School. Dr. Gold also conducted the symphony orchestra and then the concert band at Amherst Summer Music Center between 1969 and 1976. He was also manager of the orchestra for the New England Music Association and adjudicator for district and state music festivals for two years.
He has served in a variety of musical roles at Methodist, United Church of Christ, Unitarian, and Lutheran Churches.

Pronouns: he/him/his or they/them/theirs
About him:
Mal serves as the church’s office administrator. He creates the weekly order of service, runs the church’s social media pages, updates the website and much, much more. If you ever have any questions about something you see around the church, he is happy to help you find the answer! Mal enjoys watching the latest tv series with his wife Caroline or going on hikes around Maine.

Jacob Zwain, Sexton
Pronouns: He/him/his
About him:
Jacob and his wife, Lia, moved to Maine all the way from the west coast. They and their two dogs have traveled much of the country over the last few years and decided to settle here in New England. Jacob is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and has developed an enthusiasm to serve the community and a dedication to clean living. He enjoys hiking, reading, community service and visiting family.
Opportunities to serve the church
You can help our congregation thrive! Please let the vestry know if you are interested in any of these volunteer positions.
Eucharistic Ministering, Altar Guild, Choir, Greeters, Coffee Hour, St. Mary’s Guild, Men’s Club, Vestry (Leadership Team)